Test all things; hold fast what is good

Abstain from every form of evil Thessalonians 5:21-22, New King James Version

Logic arises from the observation of logical analytical thinking. Among other things, one deals with nature, perceives it and observes the objective lawfulness of it. These manifold and innumerable laws of nature always have only one valid result.

There is only one Trinity, our Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit. Why, this question of causality must be asked, is it conversely the case with Christians? Countless theological disputes, congregations, know-it-alls, egocentrics, conflicts and the most diverse interpretations of the Book of Books.

There is only one environment, let us together as Christians not be competitors here, let us together preserve our environment for our children. With each other and not against each other, for the benefit of all people. Let us become a strong community worldwide under the auspices of God's love.

Amen and God bless you.

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